THIS is what we need…

And the day came, when the risk to remain tight in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom. Anais Nin And so, they blossomed… Today’s short YouTube video is just a mini-encouragement. I am all about the journey to my most authentic self, my most empowered self… and I amContinue reading “THIS is what we need…”

Need REST?

Music will be the medicine of the future. Edgar Cayce I am eager to share with you this latest Sound Bath on the YouTube channel… it is calming, so if you’re feeling overwhelmed – this one’s for you! The nervous system is an energy body and heals through frequencies applied gently and softly. I hopeContinue reading “Need REST?”

Here For You!

My passion and life purpose is to create space in which you can discover, remember, and be who you are… GOD awakening to Itself. I’ve created – with the help of talented Luke at Empress Visuals – a short introductory video for you to get to know my heart’s passion for our Collective Journey. AsContinue reading “Here For You!”

What. A. Vision.

I was out beyond the quantum field… where I heard this message: everything matters. Today’s YouTube share is somewhat intimate in that I unpack a vision I had during a recent meditation. It was a WILD ride, let me tell ya, and I have been forever transformed! I also unpack a bit more of PemaContinue reading “What. A. Vision.”

Curator OR Emcee?

This EnergieGal YouTube video came about spontaneous just as I finished reading a book called I KNOW THIS MUCH IS TRUE by Wally Lamb. (Great read!) If you’re ready to SOAR, if you’re eager to go beyond your comfort zone, if you’re willing to get a little uncomfortable… and finally heal, awaken, remember, and manifestContinue reading “Curator OR Emcee?”


Introducing your beautiful SACRAL Chakra! The SACRAL Chakra is one of the most beautiful centers in your energy system! It is integral for healthy sexuality, deeply felt feelings, and flowing creativity. Today on our YouTube Sound Meditation video, we have created a sound healing specific for your SACRAL Chakra. Let the healing begin! It isContinue reading “Tap Into Your CREATIVITY”

Peaceful Sound Meditation

Music will be the medicine of the future. Edgar Cayce Insomnia? Difficult dreams? Restlessness? Anxiety? We’ve created a video for you! Would you consider trying healing frequencies? Our body is energy and attuned to certain frequencies… some of these frequencies are anger, bitterness, frustration, overwhelm, fear of lack, fear of abandonment, fear of rejection. TheyContinue reading “Peaceful Sound Meditation”

How To Stop Being So Afraid

Be here now. Stop trying to control the future because of the past. Welcome, dear Community, to today’s EnergieGal YouTube video that we’re hoping is helpful to you on your journey. Oftentimes, because of difficulties in our past, we become chronically afraid to allow this very moment to just BE, to unpack, to unfold… andContinue reading “How To Stop Being So Afraid”

On “Staying”

This is what I’m learning to do: STAY. Stay in my body. Even when it’s unfamiliar. Even when it’s uncomfortable. I’m STAYING. What does it mean to DISSOCIATE? The changing energies will be effecting our bodies, our minds, our hearts… this BECOMING and EMERGING as we remember our Identity as Love, God, Source means thatContinue reading “On “Staying””

Channeling “The Nine”

I have channeled all my life… quietly, behind the scenes… today, I open up and share them with you. Enjoy. In-joy! It is our intention to encourage you… as we unpack today’s YouTube video… a channeled message from The Nine. We love you, we love you, we love you. Please remember that we are alwaysContinue reading “Channeling “The Nine””