THIS is what we need…

And the day came, when the risk to remain tight in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom. Anais Nin And so, they blossomed… Today’s short YouTube video is just a mini-encouragement. I am all about the journey to my most authentic self, my most empowered self… and I amContinue reading “THIS is what we need…”

Where’s The Peace?

Peace is not something you wish for; it’s something you make, something you do, something you are, and something you give away. John Lennon Today on the YouTube channel, it’s all about PEACE – seems to be my word lately! – and this PEACE can be found in only one place… and one place only….Continue reading “Where’s The Peace?”

This Is So Peaceful!

Your atmosphere is vital to your health and mental well-being… creating a space of peace outside brings a state of peace inside. Today’s YouTube video is all about PEACE… which seems to be the word of the year for me… that “peace that surpasses understanding” is a frequency that has been niggling in me toContinue reading “This Is So Peaceful!”

Need REST?

Music will be the medicine of the future. Edgar Cayce I am eager to share with you this latest Sound Bath on the YouTube channel… it is calming, so if you’re feeling overwhelmed – this one’s for you! The nervous system is an energy body and heals through frequencies applied gently and softly. I hopeContinue reading “Need REST?”

Overwhelmed? This May Help!

Moving in the direction of “nothing to hold onto” is daring. Pema Chodron, The Places The Scare You Today’s YouTube guided meditation offers you a quiet space to remember… to receive the answer to your question, the Living Water for your holy thirst, the Bread of Life for your sacred hunger. We are awakening, dearestContinue reading “Overwhelmed? This May Help!”

Here For You!

My passion and life purpose is to create space in which you can discover, remember, and be who you are… GOD awakening to Itself. I’ve created – with the help of talented Luke at Empress Visuals – a short introductory video for you to get to know my heart’s passion for our Collective Journey. AsContinue reading “Here For You!”

Go Beyond!

Sound baths are frequency adjustments… deeply healing to the body. Today’s YouTube video is all about our topic for this week: GROUNDLESSNESS… and we have learned that this means grounded in the body while allowing the analytical, logical mind to rest… and then we find ourselves in the heart-space, out into the quantum field, intoContinue reading “Go Beyond!”

Power In Resting

OM, groundlessness, groundlessness, more groundlessness, even beyond groundlessness, fully awake, so be it! Ah, today’s most beautiful YouTube video is one of my favorites so far… I could feel the mind come into rest and ease, that groundlessness, and my heart soften and body allow the moment to unpack without resistance. Truly healing. Truly calming.Continue reading “Power In Resting”

What. A. Vision.

I was out beyond the quantum field… where I heard this message: everything matters. Today’s YouTube share is somewhat intimate in that I unpack a vision I had during a recent meditation. It was a WILD ride, let me tell ya, and I have been forever transformed! I also unpack a bit more of PemaContinue reading “What. A. Vision.”

Not “Why” – Just STAY

Asking “why” when you’re feeling something is a distraction and not very useful… staying, feeling, inviting, allowing… THIS is what heals you. I can’t love this video more! In one fell swoop here, in my first attempt, I unpack to you the most amazing morning… full of allowing, healing, compassion, kindness… and the day endsContinue reading “Not “Why” – Just STAY”