
THIS is what we need…

And the day came, when the risk to remain tight in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

Anais Nin

And so, they blossomed…

Today’s short YouTube video is just a mini-encouragement. I am all about the journey to my most authentic self, my most empowered self… and I am thankful to have you right there beside me on the way!

It is my intention to create a safe space for your awakening, remembering, emerging, BECOMING journey. Be sure to check out all the offers: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, energy updates, and personal ponderings. You can find us on YouTube.

Please remember that we are here for you. Connect with us for guidance and healing.

To your transformation and soaring!

Peace be with you,


If you enjoy reading blogs, here’s mine! Full of ponderings, musings, and other writings, we jump in the deep end and swim around like we’re kids and it’s a hot, sunny day… please join us!


Where’s The Peace?

Peace is not something you wish for; it’s something you make, something you do, something you are, and something you give away.

John Lennon

Today on the YouTube channel, it’s all about PEACE – seems to be my word lately! – and this PEACE can be found in only one place… and one place only…. INSIDE YOU. Enjoy this Yoga Nidra meditation that can be found here.

Yoga Nidra is a beautiful practice that encourages the body’s nervous system to relax, the mind to calm, slow down, even pause… and the heart to open wide.

In this meditation, we travel to a field where PEACE is abundant, living is easy, and the birds are chirping cheerfully.

Allow yourself this precious time for this most sacred work of calming the nervous system. A calmed nervous system allows the trauma body to heal, dis-ease to depart, and Love to bloom.

It is my intention to create a safe space for your awakening, remembering, emerging, BECOMING journey. Be sure to check out all the offers: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, energy updates, and personal ponderings. You can find us on YouTube.

Please remember that we are here for you. Connect with us for guidance and healing.

To your transformation and soaring!

Peace be with you,


If you enjoy reading blogs, here’s mine! Full of ponderings, musings, and other writings, we jump in the deep end and swim around like we’re kids and it’s a hot, sunny day… please join us!


This Is So Peaceful!

Your atmosphere is vital to your health and mental well-being… creating a space of peace outside brings a state of peace inside.

Today’s YouTube video is all about PEACE… which seems to be the word of the year for me… that “peace that surpasses understanding” is a frequency that has been niggling in me to be manifested… and so I share this beautiful, spontaneous, calming frequency sound bath with you.

I sure hope you enjoy it, that it brings a peace into your home, your work space, your car… your heart, your mind, and your body… your relationships, your finances, and your outlook on life.

It is my intention to create a safe space for your awakening, remembering, emerging, BECOMING journey. Be sure to check out all the offers: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, energy updates, and personal ponderings. You can find us on YouTube.

Please remember that we are here for you. Connect with us for guidance and healing.

To your transformation and soaring!

Peace be with you,


If you enjoy reading blogs, here’s mine! Full of ponderings, musings, and other writings, we jump in the deep end and swim around like we’re kids and it’s a hot, sunny day… please join us!


Need REST?

Music will be the medicine of the future.

Edgar Cayce

I am eager to share with you this latest Sound Bath on the YouTube channel... it is calming, so if you’re feeling overwhelmed – this one’s for you!

The nervous system is an energy body and heals through frequencies applied gently and softly. I hope you enjoy and that this is helpful to you on your awakening journey!

It holds a transmission of SILENCE and EASE in the QUIETNESS… those spaces between breaths, between sounds, between thoughts… a most healing place indeed.

It is my intention to create a safe space for your awakening, remembering, emerging, BECOMING journey. Be sure to check out all the offers: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, energy updates, and personal ponderings. You can find us on YouTube.

Please remember that we are here for you. Connect with us for guidance and healing.

To your transformation and soaring!

Peace be with you,


If you enjoy reading blogs, here’s mine! Full of ponderings, musings, and other writings, we jump in the deep end and swim around like we’re kids and it’s a hot, sunny day… please join us!


Here For You!

My passion and life purpose is to create space in which you can discover, remember, and be who you are… GOD awakening to Itself.

I’ve created – with the help of talented Luke at Empress Visuals – a short introductory video for you to get to know my heart’s passion for our Collective Journey.

As an Awakening Coach, I provide:

  • group sound baths
  • guided meditations
  • vibrational sound therapy
  • reiki healing
  • tarot readings
  • intuitive life coaching
  • human design readings

It is my intention to create a safe space for your awakening, remembering, emerging, BECOMING journey. Be sure to check out all the offers: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, energy updates, and personal ponderings. You can find us on YouTube.

Please remember that we are here for you. Connect with us for guidance and healing.

To your transformation and soaring!

Peace be with you,


If you enjoy reading blogs, here’s mine! Full of ponderings, musings, and other writings, we jump in the deep end and swim around like we’re kids and it’s a hot, sunny day… please join us!

Here is Empress Visuals link – he’s the best in the business!


Go Beyond!

Sound baths are frequency adjustments… deeply healing to the body.

Today’s YouTube video is all about our topic for this week: GROUNDLESSNESS… and we have learned that this means grounded in the body while allowing the analytical, logical mind to rest… and then we find ourselves in the heart-space, out into the quantum field, into Beyond… and then beyond Beyond.

I know I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else… thank you for joining me!

It is my intention to create a safe space for your awakening, remembering, emerging, BECOMING journey. Be sure to check out all the offers: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, energy updates, and personal ponderings. You can find us on YouTube.

Please remember that we are here for you. Connect with us for guidance and healing.

To your transformation and soaring!

Peace be with you,


If you enjoy reading blogs, here’s mine! Full of ponderings, musings, and other writings, we jump in the deep end and swim around like we’re kids and it’s a hot, sunny day… please join us!


Power In Resting

OM, groundlessness, groundlessness, more groundlessness, even beyond groundlessness, fully awake, so be it!

Ah, today’s most beautiful YouTube video is one of my favorites so far… I could feel the mind come into rest and ease, that groundlessness, and my heart soften and body allow the moment to unpack without resistance.

Truly healing. Truly calming. Truly peaceful.

It is my intention to create a safe space for your awakening, remembering, emerging, BECOMING journey. Be sure to check out all the offers: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, energy updates, and personal ponderings. You can find us on YouTube.

Please remember that we are here for you. Connect with us for guidance and healing.

To your transformation and soaring!

Peace be with you,


If you enjoy reading blogs, here’s mine! Full of ponderings, musings, and other writings, we jump in the deep end and swim around like we’re kids and it’s a hot, sunny day… please join us!


What. A. Vision.

I was out beyond the quantum field… where I heard this message: everything matters.

Today’s YouTube share is somewhat intimate in that I unpack a vision I had during a recent meditation. It was a WILD ride, let me tell ya, and I have been forever transformed!

I also unpack a bit more of Pema Chodron’s THE PLACES THAT SCARE YOU in which we chat about “groundlessness” and the power that this has to further your awakening, your enlightenment, your deep healing.

All in all, it’s a fab-u-lous video, if I do say so myself… long, but I’m hoping you’ll agree that it’s worth closing all the tabs and giving your full attention to. You’re my greatest pleasure, friend. I hope you feel that as I spend this time with you.

It is my intention to create a safe space for your awakening, remembering, emerging, BECOMING journey. Be sure to check out all the offers: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, energy updates, and personal ponderings. You can find us on YouTube.

Please remember that we are here for you. Connect with us for guidance and healing.

To your transformation and soaring!

Peace be with you,


If you enjoy reading blogs, here’s mine! Full of ponderings, musings, and other writings, we jump in the deep end and swim around like we’re kids and it’s a hot, sunny day… please join us!


Not “Why” – Just STAY

Asking “why” when you’re feeling something is a distraction and not very useful… staying, feeling, inviting, allowing… THIS is what heals you.

I can’t love this video more! In one fell swoop here, in my first attempt, I unpack to you the most amazing morning… full of allowing, healing, compassion, kindness… and the day ends with cornbread so there’s that too… 😉

Enjoy today’s video from the YouTube channel… and thanks for being here with us. We feel your Love and it’s helping us remember who we are as Divine Intelligence, Source, Creator, God… and all those other juicy-good names.

It is my intention to create a safe space for your awakening, remembering, emerging, BECOMING journey. Be sure to check out all the offers: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, energy updates, and personal ponderings. You can find us on YouTube.

Please remember that we are here for you. Connect with us for guidance and healing.

To your transformation and soaring!

Peace be with you,



Are You Stuck?

It’s so easy to get distracted. Today, we have the opportunity to own… our life, our moments, our thoughts, our decisions, our feelings.

My story… real life and raw… big energies in 2024 – which means we have great big opportunities to grow, evolve, remember, and BE (become, behold, be loved!)

Today’s video on the YouTube channel is a personal update. Hope it encourages, shines a light back to You, and offers you practical application to your life’s purpose, hopes, dreams, desires, and experiences.

It is my intention to create a safe space for your awakening, remembering, emerging, BECOMING journey. Be sure to check out all the offers: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, energy updates, and personal ponderings. You can find us on YouTube.

Please remember that we are here for you. Connect with us for guidance and healing.

To your transformation and soaring!

Peace be with you,



Pathway To Peace

A Guided Meditation

Peace isn’t something we try to find, create, get to, make happen… Peace is WHO WE ARE.

Today’s Guided Meditation on the YouTube channel has been one which I’ve been contemplating for awhile now. Peace… what is it? Or rather, now I’ve come to understand, who is it?

It is me.

It is you.

It is us.

But we’ve forgotten… and spend our days and moments and lifetimes trying to get to someplace we already are, attain to something we are already… all part of our path, part of this amazing-beautiful-awesome experience called being a human and awakening to our God-ness.

We really are miraculous! Miracles, each and every one of us.

It is my intention to create a safe space for your awakening, remembering, emerging, BECOMING journey. Be sure to check out all the offers: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, energy updates, and personal ponderings. You can find us on YouTube.

Please remember that we are here for you. Connect with us for guidance and healing.

To your transformation and soaring!

Peace be with you,



Personal Share

Like sandpaper smooths rough edges, this word softened my energies. There is no failure, only redirection.

Join me during my second cup of coffee on one of my last days here in beautiful, sunny Florida. ThirdSon is nearly packed up and ready to move to the panhandle area and I am nearly packed up and ready to hoof it the long way back – driving – up north to beautiful WNY. I am eager to return and hug the trees in my yard, my Gigi FurButt, and Husband… not necessarily in that order. But maybe. 😉

This quick message came bubbling up and I journaled it, sat with it, allowed it to settle into my body, and then I turned on the phone and recorded it. As always, hoping it leads you to a place of Peace. Destiny beckons!

It is my intention to create a safe space for your awakening, remembering, emerging, BECOMING journey. Be sure to check out all the offers: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, energy updates, and personal ponderings. You can find us on YouTube.

Please remember that we are here for you. Connect with us for guidance and healing.

To your transformation and soaring!



Timely Word!

Life is messy. There’s nothing neat and tidy about it… and expecting otherwise is to be disappointed. There, I said it.

This may piss off a few who think I should be happier, more joy-filled, hopeful… but I am that! I am happy, I am joyous, I am hopeful. I am all that and more!

But my personal journey THROUGH to remembering was, well, it was messy. Nothing neat and tidy about it. So perhaps it’s just my experience.

Or maybe we’ve designed our awakening to be just that – kinda jarring, overwhelming, stirring, stripping, exhausting.

Having birthed FiveBeautifulSouls, I know firsthand that the birth canal is smaller than you think and the discomfort is really just pain. But it doesn’t last. And then there’s a baby! (picture me dancing around my kitchen now…)

You’re birthing YOU. And it might get messy. It might be not so neat and tidy. But you’re in good company… we’re here too, experiencing It. Expansion is worth it. Keep on.

Here’s a short video that we hope encourages and empowers you to remember WHY… why is all this happening? What does it all mean?

It is my intention to create a safe space for your awakening, remembering, emerging, BECOMING journey. Be sure to check out all the offers: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, energy updates, and personal ponderings. You can find us on YouTube.

Please remember that we are here for you. Connect with us for guidance and healing.

To your transformation and soaring!



Empowering Revelation

This revelation was so empowering for me! As I allowed it to find its resonance within me, I began to awaken to my I AM power.

We’re diving deep into the “duality” versus “non-duality” realm today on our YouTube video. It’s a big topic and our hope is that we shared it gracefully and in a grounded, practical manner. If our spirituality isn’t accessible and usable everyday, then it is a hindrance to our awakening!

I’ve been wrestling lately with a comment one of us in our community posted.

In their words: “why does Higher Self let suffering and awful things happen to personality selfs?” They struggle to see how a loving God could sit back dispassionately and watch shit go down. It doesn’t seem fair that God, who doesn’t feel any of it, creates a world where It’s lower selves suffer so badly.

An excellent comment and one that has had me pondering.

For the record, I don’t believe this is what is happening. In my quest to unpack Truth as I’m remembering It, I first made a video about “suffering” as an option… but this fell short of all I had to unpack.

So I’ve created another video… this time, we meander down the road of WHO IS GOD? WHERE IS GOD? Is it true that God is “up there” and separate from us (DUALITY) or is there another way of knowing?

It’s been an interesting venture within to seek Truth. I’m thankful to our commenter for their courageous questioning. ❤

It is my intention to create a safe space for your awakening, remembering, emerging, BECOMING journey. Be sure to check out all the offers: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, energy updates, and personal ponderings. You can find us on YouTube.

Please remember that we are here for you. Connect with us for guidance and healing.

To your transformation and soaring!



Honoring The Octopus Within

We honor the spirit of the octopus, beckoning forth emotions within us that have found their way into the depths… come on out and play, dear ones.

This sound meditation from our YouTube channel caught us by surprise but we loved every second of it! Here we allow the feelings that have dwelt within the depths of us to rise to the surface and be seen, honored,  and embraced.

We hope that this sound experience is a benefit to you and we thank you for your presence here.

It is our intention to create safe space for your healing journey. Be sure to check out all that we offer: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, and energy updates. You can find us on YouTube and Spotify.

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for spiritual life guidance. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx



An opportunity to experience the beauty of Lily Dale and a state-of-the-art teaching on healing through frequencies. Please join us!

This summer at Lily Dale promises to be wonderful, informative, educational, spectacular… we could go on and on… please sign up before the classes fill up! We look forward to seeing you in Lily Dale in just a few months. We’re going to have an amazing, enlightening, and empowering experience!

Prepare to be reconnected to Self, others, and God… be forewarned: the sound bowls, gongs, tuning, forks, and chimes will soothe your soul and open your heart. You will heal deeply within yourself and your family lineage. You will leave feeling more grounded, joyful, and full of vision and clarity.

Life as we’ve known it will never be the same. We’re time line shifting and enjoying the party! Who will join us?!

Again, sign up here before our class fills up! 🙂

It is my intention to create a safe space for your awakening, remembering, emerging, BECOMING journey. Be sure to check out all the offers: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, energy updates, and personal ponderings. You can find us on YouTube.

Please remember that we are here for you. Connect with us for guidance and healing.

To your transformation and soaring!




Life is about to become more the adventure than ever.

We are programmed to believe that we are separate… separate from God, separate from each other, separate even from our own selves. (“Seek outside yourself for your answers!”) All because separation keeps us manageable, profitable, easier to herd.

But what if you remembered who you REALLY are? (God, awakening to It-self.)

I know. It’s a lot to ponder. 

But… what if?

What if even part of this supposition is true? How would your reality shift?

If you concluded that you chose a particular situation, how would you see it differently? If you decided to sit in Camp I-Created-This, even if just for a night, how would the events unfolding in your life look different to you?

What if rather than thinking life is happening TO you, that it’s beyond your control and you’re just a pawn in the game, you knew that all this good-bad-glad-mad stuff is happening FOR you? What if you were to shout out, “I have orchestrated all this!” and then hugged the living shit out of every single second… as a gift, as THE gift that you intended it to be before you incarnated?

I know. It’s a lot to ponder. 

But… what if?

What if even part of this supposition is true? How would your reality shift?

Do you tend to think that the events unfolding in your day are happening FOR you or TO you? Are you the author or the just the pen? Or paper? Or reader? (How far shall we take this metaphor?) Hey, what if you were both the author AND the pen? AND the paper? AND the reader?

What if you are every single character in the book, player in the game, flower in the garden… (metaphors are easy for me… if someone doesn’t put their foot down, I can keep going!) 😉

I know. It’s a lot to ponder.

But… what if?

What if even part of this supposition is true? How would your reality shift?

What if you began to see that the most uncomfortable feelings, the most unfair situations, and the most treacherous of treatments that you’ve experienced have been there to help stir you awake?! That the most traumatizing people have been your most influential awakeners?! What if, before you slipped into this low-density and donned skin, you knew that you would struggle to remember your True Self and Purpose… so you said okay and please-heck-yeah to difficult people and unfair circumstances… knowing that these would bring you to the very end of your egoic, analytical self with all its logical conclusions and self preservations… and that then you would be nearly forced to think so fucking far outside the box… and see what has been hidden in plain sight?! 

I know. It’s a lot to ponder.

But… what if?

What if even part of this supposition is true? How would your reality shift?

We are awakening.

We are remembering.

Who we are.

Our power.

And we’re going to stop believing the shit that has been forced down into our bellies since birth. And we’re going to start standing in our power and authority, Sovereign Beings that we are… as both Creator AND Created.

And reality as we know it will forever shift.

Be forewarned. You will be misunderstood, lonely at times, question your sanity, and experience long dark nights in which you purge deep, long-held traumas. Your family may disown you, unaware that you are swallowing generations of abuse and recalibrating ancestral karma, creating new, updated DNA. You’ll be tired, exhausted really, and hyper-aware of energies, bull shit, drama, and programming. 

Be forewarned. You will understand yourself deeply, enjoy the solitude, know you’re sane, and experience a release from needing anything from anyone. You will experience unconditional love and joy unspeakable. You will remember who you’ve always been and the reason you’re here at this time. 

You will step boldly into your power as I AM. 

You will walk in wisdom and abundance.

You will stand for Truth.

You will stop striving.

You will cease trying to understand.

You will no longer keep ledgers.

You will be thankful for every moment.

Every person.

Every situation.

You will shift reality with every breath.

Who will join me?

It is my intention to create a safe space for your awakening, remembering, emerging, BECOMING journey. Be sure to check out all the offers: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, energy updates, and personal ponderings. You can find us on YouTube.

Please remember that we are here for you. Connect with us for guidance and healing.

To your transformation and soaring!



Curator OR Emcee?

This EnergieGal YouTube video came about spontaneous just as I finished reading a book called I KNOW THIS MUCH IS TRUE by Wally Lamb. (Great read!)

If you’re ready to SOAR, if you’re eager to go beyond your comfort zone, if you’re willing to get a little uncomfortable… and finally heal, awaken, remember, and manifest your Truth, then join me in this conversation. It’s a doozy!

It is my intention to create a safe space for your awakening, remembering, emerging, BECOMING journey. Be sure to check out all the offers: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, energy updates, and personal ponderings. You can find us on YouTube and Spotify.

Please remember that we are here for you. Connect with us for guidance and healing.

Let’s get you SOARING!




Is love cruel? Or are we forgetting all about the pony?…

Today’s EnergieGal YouTube video is in response to a comment left on one of our videos… and it is a GREAT question, so insightful, so full of ache and frustration… I’m so thankful that this brave soul was so honest and vulnerable.

I do my best to answer with a gentle and kind spirit while also speaking from Truth as I know it… and then there’s the pony… which we’re sure is in there somewhere.

It is my intention to create a safe space for your awakening, remembering, emerging, BECOMING journey. Be sure to check out all the offers: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, energy updates, and personal ponderings. You can find us on YouTube and Spotify.

Please remember that we are here for you. Connect with us for guidance and healing.

Hope this helps your journey back to you,



Insomnia? Worry? Monkey-mind?

Our bodies respond to our thoughts, our thoughts to our bodies… align and balance body-mind with this calming sound meditation.

This is by far one of our most favorite creations on our YouTube Sound Meditation playlist… we could feel the Love pouring through us as we allowed Spirit Source God to flow through us and through the instruments.

It is our intention to create safe space for your healing journey. Be sure to check out all that we offer: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, and energy updates. You can find us on YouTube and Spotify.

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for spiritual life guidance. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx


My Story

This much I know…

Today’s EnergieGal YouTube video is among the most vulnerable and authentic I’ve created to share… has me feeling pretty darn naked, if I’m honest.

Why? Why so naked?

Because I share my own shit. I own it. And loudly. Like, sheesh.

Why? Why so naked?

Because I don’t want anyone to get hurt – other players in the game, other characters in the story – so I pray that my heart of love and forgiveness with a dash of humor creates safe space for you to hear my story and hold everyone – every single one of us – in a space of Compassion and Grace.

Being real. It’s a shit ton of guts, let me tell you. But the freedom is amazing, the view perfection, the healing deep.

Would you join me?

It is our intention to create a safe space for your awakening, remembering, emerging, BECOMING journey. Be sure to check out all that we offer: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, and energy updates. You can find us on YouTube and Spotify.

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for guidance and healing. We love you!

Hopes this helps your journey back to you,

Lisa xxx



Introducing your beautiful SACRAL Chakra!

The SACRAL Chakra is one of the most beautiful centers in your energy system! It is integral for healthy sexuality, deeply felt feelings, and flowing creativity.

Today on our YouTube Sound Meditation video, we have created a sound healing specific for your SACRAL Chakra. Let the healing begin!

It is our intention to create safe space for your healing journey. Be sure to check out all that we offer: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, and energy updates. You can find us on YouTube and Spotify.

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for spiritual life guidance. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx


Lost Your MOJO?

It’s never too late to start again.

Welcome to today’s EnergieGal Guided Meditation video, also found on Spotify.

Even with the best of intentions, we can lose our mojo and find ourselves not achieving the goals we set out for ourselves. Sometimes it’s lack of willpower, but more often it is a blockage in our self-love, in our heart-body connection.

This meditation is chock full o’ calming affirmations that will encourage you to honor and love your body as the sacred vessel that it is. Enjoy!

It is our intention to create a safe space for your awakening, remembering, emerging, BECOMING journey. Be sure to check out all that we offer: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, and energy updates. You can find us on YouTube and Spotify.

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for guidance and healing. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx


Peaceful Sound Meditation

Music will be the medicine of the future.

Edgar Cayce

Insomnia? Difficult dreams? Restlessness? Anxiety?

We’ve created a video for you!

Would you consider trying healing frequencies? Our body is energy and attuned to certain frequencies… some of these frequencies are anger, bitterness, frustration, overwhelm, fear of lack, fear of abandonment, fear of rejection. They cause dis-ease in our minds, emotions, and bodies.

But the good news is that we can re-attune our bodies using healing frequencies like this video. Please consider giving it a try. Peace may only be a few minutes away. 😉

It is our intention to create safe space for your healing journey. Be sure to check out all that we offer: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, and energy updates. You can find us on YouTube and Spotify.

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for spiritual life guidance. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx


You’re Doing It!

Sometimes we need reassurance that we’re on the path and making progress. Yes, dear One. You are. Keep on. One step at a time.

I encourage all of us to look within for our power… but it does feel good to hear someone out there cheering you on, doesn’t it?

Here I am… cheering you on: YOU’RE DOING IT!

We are shifting. We are allowing old thought forms to emerge, be seen, accepted, and alchemized. And this is big work! This is might holy stuff! We are re-narrating stories and standing in Compassion and Courage FOR each other rather than against others. We are birthing ourselves out of a lack and victim mentality and into the Truth of our God-ness and Oneness and Love and manifesting Abundance.

It’s a lot! It’s just a freakin’ whole lot!

And there you are, doing it… in the midst of the messiness and pain, fear and wonder, there are you… rah-rah-rah-rockin’-it-royally.



It is our intention to create safe space for your healing journey. Be sure to check out all that we offer: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, and energy updates. You can find us on YouTube and Spotify.

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for spiritual life guidance. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx


Heal THROAT Chakra

Arise, compassionate Truth-Teller!

Our Sound Meditation today is soooo juicy good! We focus on the throat chakra, that center of energies within our bodies that holds and shares Truth… gently, compassionately, and with grounded discernment.

For various reasons, this area can get out of balance, closed, or clogged. Since we are energy, we heal through frequencies. Today, we heal the THROAT center and we begin to stand in truth and embody an empowered reality.

It is our intention to create safe space for your healing journey. Be sure to check out all that we offer: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, and energy updates. You can find us on YouTube and Spotify.

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for spiritual life guidance. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx



I am learning to be “all in” but without expectations.

About ten years ago, I had an epiphany that changed the trajectory of my whole life. Does this sound dramatic? Well, I don’t mean it to… it’s just that I found myself in a loop of disappointment.

One disappointment after another after another… I began to feel my bracing itself for the next big fat kick in the face. It was no way to live and certainly not possible to thrive.

The epiphany?

HAVE NO EXPECTATIONS. Preferences, yes. But not expectations. These expectations are what were leading me down the road of endless disappointment. If I could surrender expecting a certain outcomes and retrain my brain to hold loosely to preferences, then perhaps my life of disappointment would ebb its way into a life of flow, gratitude, and ease.

My intention has been to remain ALL IN, invested all the way – to release all expectations – while simultaneously remaining completely invested.

Example: I love my sister. I am completely invested in my love for her and in my intention to hold safe, patient, honest space for her on her journey. I have a preference that she will someday want a relationship with me, that she would heal from her deep heartache and be open to communicating. I do not hold an expectation that this will happen, however. And so I can gently flow with whatever unfolds in our journey. I don’t put parameters on her that she needs to act a certain way for me to love her nor do I hold a bar which says, “act like this so I can be happy.” I choose to be in JOY regardless of her behavior.

Yes, completely invested in my love for her and my desire that she heal, but unattached to whether that happens. I choose JOY in the midst of whatever happens.

Easy peasy, right? Uhm, no.

I’ve had to untie quite a few knots within my thinking that attached my happiness and self-worth to another’s behavior and circumstances outside of myself. Such disempowered ground to try to stand upon! Eeeeek, talk about giving away my power to something outside of myself. No power there.

There’s freedom for her and freedom for me. Others don’t have to act a certain way for me to thrive and the world doesn’t have to meet with my approval for me to laugh, be at peace, and feel grounded.

The keys to my joy are found in my own pocket, thank you.

So, remaining unattached while totally invested, I find myself not manipulating, trying to control, over-thinking, or people-pleasing. (These are exhausting energies!) I am free to flow, to allow, to receive, to be curious and compassionate and courageous with what is.

I allow what is. And I believe that it is exactly what’s supposed to be happening. It’s NOT passivity. I’m totally invested. But I hold loosely to the outcome.


It is our intention to create safe space for your healing journey. Be sure to check out all that we offer: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, and energy updates. You can find us on YouTube and Spotify.

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for spiritual life guidance. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx


I AM Affirmations

I AM… remembering who I am.

This is something new on our YouTube channel that we’ve never created before – I AM affirmations. These are calming, confident-boosting, and oh so healing. We hope that they encourage you on your journey.

Did you know that the words I AM are among the most powerful ever? They have creative manifesting power in them… so whatever you speak after I AM is so important! You’re attracting it to you by speaking it out there into your world… so be wise about how you speak!

It is our intention to create a safe space for your awakening, remembering, emerging, BECOMING journey. Be sure to check out all that we offer: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, and energy updates. You can find us on YouTube and Spotify.

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for guidance and healing. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx


Ascensions Symptoms

I had a rough few days and then realized, “aha! I’ve jumped into a new time line!”

Ascension symptoms and time line jumping… sounds other-worldly, doesn’t it? And yet, here we are… experiencing it all.

On our YouTube Energy Update, we share our real-life-not-kidding-you story of a time line jump, complete with physical, mental, and emotional symptoms… and how awesome it is to be in The New.

It is our intention to create safe space for your healing journey. Be sure to check out all that we offer: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, and energy updates. You can find us on YouTube and Spotify.

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for spiritual life guidance. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx



It’s not that thinking is bad and feeling is good… it’s that there’s a balance. We need both to fully engage in a life that is abundant and thriving.

This phrase has helped me so much over the years. It’s helped this Libra-in-the-12th-house (we struggle a bit with balance, yes we do) understand that there is something so healing and soooo settling about allowing both thoughts and feelings to be a part of my life.

Both thoughts and feelings get to dance at the party called my human experience.

I can be a big-time thinker. I can get all up in my head, trying to figure things out and maneuver and manipulate and understand and plan-plan-plan. Because understanding is freedom, right? Except when it’s not… like when feelings are desperate to be felt, not understood.

Many situations ache for a good long cry, punching a pillow, laughing…. EMOTING.

For example: grief isn’t “figured out.” It’s felt. It’s held. It’s honored. It’s allowed. It’s seen and heard and caressed and rocked. We don’t think grief through. We feel it out.

We don’t think grief through. We feel it out.

In this season of purging that we are entering, perhaps we would allow ourselves to think AND feel? Allow both the mind and the heart to partake? Allow both the left and right hemispheres of our brain to dance at the party?

I’ve been giving it a try… and it has been making all the difference.


It is our intention to create safe space for your healing journey. Be sure to check out all that we offer: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, and energy updates. You can find us on YouTube and Spotify.

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for spiritual life guidance. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx


Heal ROOT Chakra

We call forth those parts of us, our families, the Collective which have felt misplaced, shamed, marginalized. Come forth. Arise. Be healed.

spontaneous message during our Sound Experience

We are energies. We can heal subconscious thought patterns through frequencies. These long-held belief systems have been passed down through our DNA and family lineage. We can’t necessarily see them because they are our “norm.”

It’s like a fish in water. It lives in water, breathes in water… how can it see the water?

Today’s sound bath works with frequencies of the base root chakra (I AM WORTH TO BE HERE) and balanced and connects all other energy centers.

It is our intention to create safe space for your healing journey. Be sure to check out all that we offer: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, and energy updates. You can find us on YouTube and Spotify.

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for spiritual life guidance. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx


You Are The Yellow One

Talk to yourself like someone you love. If you wouldn’t say it to a child, please don’t say it to yourself.

This was an area that was difficult for me to change, this self-talk practice. I’m someone with a strong and sturdy mind – maybe it’s that Gemini north node with Jupiter sitting right there – but I sure did struggle for years to speak kindly to myself.

Heck, not only could I not speak kindly to myself… I couldn’t even stop trashing myself to myself. I was my own worst critic! Whatever I did, it wasn’t good enough. Then I’d pull into myself, scared little girl all alone in there, thinking I was protecting me… if I didn’t put myself out there, then there was less chance of being hurt, shamed, humiliated, frustrated, or feeling guilty.

It was a damn lot, this beating myself up inside. A damn lot.

Breaking a habit done for year and years and even generations is big stuff requiring big surrender and big curiosity and bigger compassion and biggest courage.

Little by little, I became aware of my thoughts and curious about whether I wanted to continue partnering with them. I loved the ME inside that was aching so deeply. I accepted the stern voice that tried keeping me away from the edge and possible pain.

Nothing, not even our pain and that mean-ass voice, wants to be rejected. Nothing.

I realized that addressing this holistically was my best bang for my buck. I exercised, meditated, drank quality water, decreased sugar and alcohol, stopped watching scary movies, kept a gratitude journal, listened to theta-wave music, spent loving time with my inner child, and allowed all feelings to emerge and be felt-embraced-honored. I re-narrated stories of victimhood and stood in my newly emerging power. I saw myself as God-spark.

And I began to laugh. For the first time. Maybe ever. Truly laugh. Experience joy, even pleasure. And life became easier, more flow-y, less uphill, more adventure and excitement, less drudgery and have-to.

I have begun to live a life of GET-TO. And it’s a damn freakin’ jazzy fun party, baby. There’s dancing and community, Oneness and uniqueness, passion for others and love for me… and a realization that I am you and you are me and we are One… so when I heal, you do too. And when you heal, well hot-diggity-dog, so do I.

And it’s a beautiful thing, this being here. Alive. Now.

Will you join me? ❤


It is our intention to create safe space for your healing journey. Be sure to check out all that we offer: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, and energy updates. You can find us on YouTube and Spotify.

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for spiritual life guidance. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx


Meditation For Mind-Body Health

A meditation practice is essential, like breathing.

On our YouTube channel, we have created a calming guided meditation to help you calm your nervous system, embody (“stay” and BE in your body, focused and invested in the fullness of your body’s energies) and align the chakras. We use the creativity of the right brain – that beautiful imagination in all its beauty and power – to help you manifest healing.

It is our intention to create safe space for your healing journey. Be sure to check out all that we offer: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, and energy updates. You can find us on YouTube and Spotify.

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for spiritual life guidance. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx


Energy Update 2024

Keep it simple.

As we sat with the energies for this year, we came up with a few points to ponder, to be aware of, and to consciously work with. We hope this video helps you on your journey.

It is our intention to create safe space for your healing journey. Be sure to check out all that we offer: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, and energy updates. You can find us on YouTube and Spotify.

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for spiritual life guidance. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx


Rock Star, You!

Big energies. Luckily, you’re a rock star. Keep on. You’re doing fine.

Hey there, dear Community,

We are shifting OUT of victim and lack mentality and INTO an empowered remembrance of who we are, why we’re here, and what is unpacking at this time on planet Earth.

It’s a lot, this remembering and shifting – which means so much shedding of outdated paradigms and traditions.

It’s a lot, this shifting and emerging, which means so much re-narrating and integrating new and big energies.

Luckily, we’re a bunch of rock stars and we’re equipped to BE STILL and KNOW, to allow, and to usher in this new New.

Be encouraged. It’s uncomfortable not because it’s hard but because it’s unfamiliar.

Be encouraged. It’s overwhelming not because we’re failing at it but because it’s something brand new to us.

As we shift, we will be given many opportunities to surrender, to let go, to come out of pain and ache and familial, generational heartache and reactions… and into a space of peace, generosity, Spirit-filled leading, and clarity.

We love you x3!

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for spiritual life guidance. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx

PS Be sure to check out our daily blog… we have so much fun sharing our everyday ponderings about the big and little things in life. ❤


How To Stop Being So Afraid

Be here now. Stop trying to control the future because of the past.

Welcome, dear Community, to today’s EnergieGal YouTube video that we’re hoping is helpful to you on your journey.

Oftentimes, because of difficulties in our past, we become chronically afraid to allow this very moment to just BE, to unpack, to unfold… and we become controlling, manipulating, all up in our minds and full of anxiety, fear, just waiting for that proverbial shoe to drop… for our plans and hopes and dreams to fall apart right in front of us, leaving us devastated, torn, ripped open, disappointed.

Childhood wounds have a way of keeping us closed up, shut tight, coiled up, holding our breath…. trauma trapped in the body is exhausting!

We hope that our topic for today will encourage you to open, allow, and heal, re-narrate stories, and BE HERE NOW. Enjoy this very moment, dear Soul!

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for spiritual life guidance. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx

PS Be sure to check out our daily blog… we have so much fun sharing our everyday ponderings about the big and little things in life. ❤


On “Staying”

This is what I’m learning to do: STAY. Stay in my body. Even when it’s unfamiliar. Even when it’s uncomfortable. I’m STAYING.

What does it mean to DISSOCIATE?

The changing energies will be effecting our bodies, our minds, our hearts… this BECOMING and EMERGING as we remember our Identity as Love, God, Source means that our whole entire systems will be upgrading/upleveling.

What does this mean practically? How are those of us who are Empaths and Sensitives going to be acclimating these shifting energies? How are those of us who have been abused and holding onto trauma in our bodies going to be integrating these shifting energies?

We’re talking about it today on our EnergieGal YouTube channel. Check us out!

Our intention is to be of service. Thank you for allowing us to create safe space for you. We love you. We love you. We love you.

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for spiritual life guidance. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx

PS Be sure to check out our daily blog… we have so much fun sharing our everyday ponderings about the big and little things in life. ❤


You Being Squeezed?

We are being given an abundance of opportunities to experience our True Identity as Divinity… and this looks like – tada! – being squeezed.

Just a quick shout-out on the YouTube channel with a message that has been heavy on my heart today. Oh, and Peaches makes her purring presence known and steals the show. 😉

As always, here to encourage, to create safe space for awakening and emerging, and to continue to BECOME and take form.

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for spiritual life guidance. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx

PS Be sure to check out our daily blog… we have so much fun sharing our everyday ponderings about the big and little things in life. ❤


Coronation Day!

Consciousness – Love Awareness – is taking on form, is arising and remembering… and it is CORONATION DAY!

Prophetic word from our Guides during an impromptu sound bath/tarot reading

My body was feeling so heavy today. I could barely work out – and that’s saying a lot for me! – so I headed to my sound space and asked for Guidance. Love showed up strong and mighty, gentle and clear… and a good time was had by All.

Here is the spontaneous Frequency Sound Bath that “erupted” during our beautiful time together. Enjoy! In-joy!

Our intention always is to create safe and loving space for all of us on our emerging, transmuting, remembering journey.

We love you. We love you. We love you.

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for spiritual life guidance. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx

PS Be sure to check out our daily blog… we have so much fun sharing our everyday ponderings about the big and little things in life. ❤


We Love You!

This is the perfect time and the perfect place for you to receive the Truth of who you are, who you’ve always been, and who you will always be. Outside of time and space, we meet you in time and in space to reveal to you the Truth.

The Council of Nine

Welcome to our Guided Meditation for today, found on our YouTube channel EnergieGal Holistic Wellness. It is always our intention to create safe and loving space for you and for all of us – for surely, there is no “other” – to be curious, compassionate, and courageous as we discover, remember, and BE who we are.

Oh, Community, we are BECOMING! It’s happening, yes yes yes!

We love you. We love you. We love you.

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for spiritual life guidance. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx

PS Be sure to check out our daily blog… we have so much fun sharing our everyday ponderings about the big and little things in life. ❤


Brand New Playlist!

We’re super excited to share with you our new playlist! Embodiment practice is all about coming into a peaceful relationship with the body. Yep, we’re working out… but mostly, we’re working back IN.

It’s here! A brand new playlist called EMBODIMENT PRACTICE “coming back home” into your body with EnergieGal ... that is perfect for what’s unpacking on our “enlightenment” – emerging – awakening – remembering journey… we are returning to our bodies full of Love and discovering a more peaceful way to be in relationship with our body, our community, and the world.

So, yes, we are working out… but not to “burn calories” or “lose weight” or “tone up” but more to RECONNECT.

We couldn’t be more excited about this!!!

It’s our intention to create safe space for us to BECOME… we hope that you feel loved, honored, respected, and hugged. ❤

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for spiritual life guidance. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx

PS Be sure to check out our daily blog… we have so much fun sharing our everyday ponderings about the big and little things in life. ❤


Healing Frequencies

With gratitude, optimism is sustainable.

Michael J. Fox

We heard Mr. Fox speak this during an interview and we were deeply moved… because he struggled to sit in the chair, struggled to speak – and yet could find HOPE in the midst of the difficulties.

So we created a sound bath on our YouTube channel with these frequencies and intentions: HEAL HOPELESSNESS. We know that frequencies heal, that vibrations move energies of fear from out of the body.

It is always our intention to create for you – for us – safe, loving, healing space as we awaken-emerge-remember on our spiritual journey.

We love you X 3. ❤

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for spiritual life guidance. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx

PS Be sure to check out our daily blog… we have so much fun sharing our everyday ponderings about the big and little things in life. ❤



Your thoughts have the potentiality to create matter… change your thoughts, change your reality. But, HOW?

Wow, was this a heavy and deep discussion! We enjoyed sharing this EnergieGal Holistic Wellness Mind-Body Journey YouTube practical guide to creating a new reality. The unpacking was neat and clear, however, and we are super proud to present to you this guide to manifesting a new reality – of coming out of old thought patterns that are the underlying causes of dis-ease and into new thoughts that will create a new reality for you!

It is always our intention to provide safe, loving, joyful, encouraging space for you – for all of us! – on our awakening-emerging-remembering journey.

We love you.

We love you.

We love you.

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for spiritual life guidance. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx

PS Be sure to check out our daily blog… we have so much fun sharing our everyday ponderings about the big and little things in life. ❤


Peaceful Guided Meditation

Sometimes, life is just too much.

Join us for this week’s Guided Meditation on our YouTube channel. It’s a calm one, leading us up-up-up and letting go-go-go… ❤

Some days and the current events can be too much for the nervous system… we begin to stress, get constipated or have diarrhea, break out, lose appetite, get restless legs, get the mind going and going and going… life can certainly be overwhelming.

Our intention is to provide for you safe space, awakening space, loving space… we love you so much.

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for spiritual life guidance. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx

PS Be sure to check out our daily blog… we have so much fun sharing our everyday ponderings about the big and little things in life. ❤


Channeling “The Nine”

I have channeled all my life… quietly, behind the scenes… today, I open up and share them with you. Enjoy. In-joy!

It is our intention to encourage you… as we unpack today’s YouTube video… a channeled message from The Nine.

We love you, we love you, we love you.

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for spiritual life guidance. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx

PS Be sure to check out our daily blog… we have so much fun sharing our everyday ponderings about the big and little things in life. ❤


This Was A HUGE Revelation

Photo by Kristina Paukshtite on Pexels.com

What if I – along with my dad and mom – designed my childhood, including the abuse?!

me, pondering while on the treadmill this morning

Well THIS came bubbling up this morning … offending me deeply – and healing me even more deeply, yeeeeeehaaaaaaw!

It is always our intention to create safe space for us on our awakening-emerging journey… that adventure of discovering, remembering, and BEing who we are as Consciousness Incarnating.

It’s a lot, this human journey remembering… and we wouldn’t change it for nothin’! 😉

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for spiritual life guidance. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx

PS Be sure to check out our daily blog… we have so much fun sharing our everyday ponderings about the big and little things in life. ❤


Episode 22: Julian Pierce

You are responsible for you.

Julian “Jewel” Pierce

Welcome to our space! It’s our intention to create meaningful conversation that spurs us all on to transformation, evolution, and metamorphsis… oh that journey of discovering, remembering, and BEing who we are as God Consciousness Awakening To Self… does it get any better than this!?

Our guest is Julian Pierce, deep thinker and acupuncturist, business owner and newlywed. We love her, we love her story! Enjoy, dear Community. Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for spiritual life guidance.

Our podcast is on Spotify!

To contact Julian – Park Place Acupuncture

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for spiritual life guidance. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx

PS Be sure to check out our daily blog… we have so much fun sharing our everyday ponderings about the big and little things in life. ❤



Grief and the grieving experience are an integral part of our human experience. So uncomfortable, yes. Allow the energies to emerge, and with it will also emerge your “more human” incarnation.

Today we settled in to create for us a sound bath – EnergieGal Sound Bath CALM on YouTube – specific to honoring and holding sacredly those deep emotions of grief and sadness. We have been feeling The Collective’s despair, fear, confusion… and wanted to offer a frequency that will hold space for all of it.

It is our hope that we have encouraged you and maybe helped you during an uncomfortable season – be that day, week, or year – and we want you to know that we really do understand what you’re experiencing. Us too.

Stay hopeful. This is all part of the transition from caterpillar to butterfly, Beloveds. And we’re doing it!

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for spiritual life guidance. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx

PS Be sure to check out our daily blog… we have so much fun sharing our everyday ponderings about the big and little things in life. ❤


Why is there STILL chaos?!

The caterpillar was in the world… went into the cocoon FOR A SEASON… then emerged back into the world… to fly. Yes, there will be chaos. But we are changed in the midst of it.

Hey, community. This word came bursting through in all of its chaotic messiness, and I post it here for your encouragement. I share it with the intention of creating conversation around this idea of emerging back into the chaos, and what’s going on in the midst of all that? like, hey, where is the New World, where is the new earth? Am I doing this whole awakening journey wrong?

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for spiritual life guidance. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx

PS Be sure to check out our daily blog… we have so much fun sharing our everyday ponderings about the big and little things in life. ❤


Intuitive Message | Energy Update

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

M. Williamson

Oh, dear Community! We are winding down from a BIG energy week through the thanksgiving gatherings (U.S.) and gearing up for break-throughs, break-opens, and maybe even some break-downs.

Here is our Intuitive Message | Energy Update YouTube video for this week. Our hope is that it helps you partner with the energetics that are showing up in a way that is beneficial for you and your reality.

Please remember that we are always here for you. Connect with us for spiritual life guidance. We love you!

With gratitude for you and our journey together, and here’s a hug…

Lisa xxx

PS Be sure to check out our daily blog… we have so much fun sharing our everyday ponderings about the big and little things in life. ❤

Overwhelmed? This May Help!

Moving in the direction of “nothing to hold onto” is daring.

Pema Chodron, The Places The Scare You

Today’s YouTube guided meditation offers you a quiet space to remember… to receive the answer to your question, the Living Water for your holy thirst, the Bread of Life for your sacred hunger.

We are awakening, dearest Beautiful Souls… and it is indeed a courageous act to stay, to continue in curiosity down the path and through the discomfort, and to remain compassionate, soft, gentle, and ever-more open to the Nothingness.

Thank you for your energies and presence here among us. It’s making all the difference!

It is my intention to create a safe space for your awakening, remembering, emerging, BECOMING journey. Be sure to check out all the offers: guided meditations, sound meditations, written meditations, energy updates, and personal ponderings. You can find us on YouTube.

Please remember that we are here for you. Connect with us for guidance and healing.

To your transformation and soaring!

Peace be with you,


If you enjoy reading blogs, here’s mine! Full of ponderings, musings, and other writings, we jump in the deep end and swim around like we’re kids and it’s a hot, sunny day… please join us!