Need REST?

Music will be the medicine of the future. Edgar Cayce I am eager to share with you this latest Sound Bath on the YouTube channel… it is calming, so if you’re feeling overwhelmed – this one’s for you! The nervous system is an energy body and heals through frequencies applied gently and softly. I hopeContinue reading “Need REST?”

Overwhelmed? This May Help!

Moving in the direction of “nothing to hold onto” is daring. Pema Chodron, The Places The Scare You Today’s YouTube guided meditation offers you a quiet space to remember… to receive the answer to your question, the Living Water for your holy thirst, the Bread of Life for your sacred hunger. We are awakening, dearestContinue reading “Overwhelmed? This May Help!”

Here For You!

My passion and life purpose is to create space in which you can discover, remember, and be who you are… GOD awakening to Itself. I’ve created – with the help of talented Luke at Empress Visuals – a short introductory video for you to get to know my heart’s passion for our Collective Journey. AsContinue reading “Here For You!”

Empowering Revelation

This revelation was so empowering for me! As I allowed it to find its resonance within me, I began to awaken to my I AM power. We’re diving deep into the “duality” versus “non-duality” realm today on our YouTube video. It’s a big topic and our hope is that we shared it gracefully and inContinue reading “Empowering Revelation”

Insomnia? Worry? Monkey-mind?

Our bodies respond to our thoughts, our thoughts to our bodies… align and balance body-mind with this calming sound meditation. This is by far one of our most favorite creations on our YouTube Sound Meditation playlist… we could feel the Love pouring through us as we allowed Spirit Source God to flow through us andContinue reading “Insomnia? Worry? Monkey-mind?”

My Story

This much I know… Today’s EnergieGal YouTube video is among the most vulnerable and authentic I’ve created to share… has me feeling pretty darn naked, if I’m honest. Why? Why so naked? Because I share my own shit. I own it. And loudly. Like, sheesh. Why? Why so naked? Because I don’t want anyone toContinue reading “My Story”


Introducing your beautiful SACRAL Chakra! The SACRAL Chakra is one of the most beautiful centers in your energy system! It is integral for healthy sexuality, deeply felt feelings, and flowing creativity. Today on our YouTube Sound Meditation video, we have created a sound healing specific for your SACRAL Chakra. Let the healing begin! It isContinue reading “Tap Into Your CREATIVITY”


I am learning to be “all in” but without expectations. About ten years ago, I had an epiphany that changed the trajectory of my whole life. Does this sound dramatic? Well, I don’t mean it to… it’s just that I found myself in a loop of disappointment. One disappointment after another after another… I beganContinue reading “This Is FREEDOM”

I AM Affirmations

I AM… remembering who I am. This is something new on our YouTube channel that we’ve never created before – I AM affirmations. These are calming, confident-boosting, and oh so healing. We hope that they encourage you on your journey. Did you know that the words I AM are among the most powerful ever? TheyContinue reading “I AM Affirmations”


It’s not that thinking is bad and feeling is good… it’s that there’s a balance. We need both to fully engage in a life that is abundant and thriving. This phrase has helped me so much over the years. It’s helped this Libra-in-the-12th-house (we struggle a bit with balance, yes we do) understand that thereContinue reading “BALANCE”