Praying For Damar

Yesterday, I was listening to the Buffalo Bills – Cincinnati Bengals game while doing my usual crossword puzzles, chatting with Husband and fussing around in the kitchen.  But then everything changed. I could feel the air get heavier, the energies shift. The announcers were speaking frantically and there was no sound coming from the bleachers.Continue reading “Praying For Damar”

Energy Update – Big Shifts!

So many of us are feeling the energy shifts… so uncomfortable, disorienting… but keep on keepin’ on! We’re shifting into Love. EnergieGal Today’s Burst of Energie – YouTube link here – is all about the big shifts that so many of us are feeling… and how this has been rough… but we’re doing it! We’reContinue reading “Energy Update – Big Shifts!”

Dear September

To make an appointment for Energy Healing or Spiritual Guidance/Life Coaching, or 1-716-269-9655. Dear September, You kicked my butt.  Sister and her health issues… answers, where are you? Good Friend’s cancer diagnosis… where do we go from here? People’s relationship stuff… my heart is aching for us all. Husband’s bacterial infection… will he goContinue reading “Dear September”

What Choice Do We Have?

To schedule an appointment for Life Coaching/Energy Healing, or 1-716-269-9655. We have choices this next week. How we respond is up to us. EnergieGal In this week’s Tarot Reading for the week of August 1-7, 2022 (YouTube here) we have some super good news: CHOICES. We have choices… we get to choose how weContinue reading “What Choice Do We Have?”