My Story

This much I know… Today’s EnergieGal YouTube video is among the most vulnerable and authentic I’ve created to share… has me feeling pretty darn naked, if I’m honest. Why? Why so naked? Because I share my own shit. I own it. And loudly. Like, sheesh. Why? Why so naked? Because I don’t want anyone toContinue reading “My Story”

Healing Your Inner Child

There was a time, everything was fine. You got drunk on the day like it was wine. And all the children, they put flowers in their hair. And all the adults, they put daggers there instead. Marc Balan Welcome, dear Community, to today’s most beautiful “coronation day” celebration of YOU — we’re looking forward toContinue reading “Healing Your Inner Child”

The Power Of Words

Your word is a force… for creating heaven or hell. Don Miguel Ruiz Welcome to our Holistic Wellness With EnergieGal show on YouTube, dear Journeyers. Today we are starting to unpack the first agreement in The Four Agreements book.  And it’s a doozy! 🙂 Has anyone ever spoken words over your or about you, toContinue reading “The Power Of Words”

The Power of Allowing

When we allow the other to be on their journey… it is freedom… for both of us. Powerful indeed! EnergieGal Today’s quick Burst of Energie – peek at it here – is a good one! Short and sweet (uh, kinda) 🙂 We unpack the very powerful way of ALLOWING… How may I best help youContinue reading “The Power of Allowing”

Start Asking!

To make an appointment for Life Coaching and Relationship Guidance, or 1-716-269-9655. When we ASSUME that we’re understood or ASSUME that we understand… we are inviting miscommunication into our relationships. EnergieGal Today’s Burst of Energie focuses in on efficient and effective communication in relationships. Hey, being human is a tricky thing… what with allContinue reading “Start Asking!”


When one of us is experiencing victory, we can all partake of this victory. There’s no need to be jealous or feel left out. We are One.  EnergieGal One of my friends, Jill, is now a published author. She has been working diligently both on the book and on her “shadow work.” Upbeat, raw, honest,Continue reading “J-I-L-L JILL!”