Brand New Playlist!

We’re super excited to share with you our new playlist! Embodiment practice is all about coming into a peaceful relationship with the body. Yep, we’re working out… but mostly, we’re working back IN. It’s here! A brand new playlist called EMBODIMENT PRACTICE “coming back home” into your body with EnergieGal … that is perfect forContinue reading “Brand New Playlist!”

Work Out 7!

Back health is essential to overall wellness. Welcome, dear Work Out Warriors, to our BACK HEALTH edition of Working Out With EnergieGal show on YouTube… inspired by my sister, Annamaria, I have created for you a long and slow routine which guides you to a healthier, stronger, longer, and happier core. No weights needed! NoContinue reading “Work Out 7!”

Don’t Take It Personally

How do you act when someone is kind to you? Kind? How do you act when someone is a real shit to you? (Kind?) How you react says more about YOU than about them…. oh, we’re diving to the depths today, dear Journeyers! Glad to have you along for the trek. Here’s our Holistic WellnessContinue reading “Don’t Take It Personally”

What Is The Biggest Sin?

Self-rejection is the biggest sin. Don Miguel Ruiz Welcome to today’s Holistic Wellness With EnergieGal show on YouTube, dear Journeyers… and, as always, so jazzed to have you along with us. It just wouldn’t be the same with ya! 😉 pecatus: sin impeccable: without sin A sin is anything that you do which goes againstContinue reading “What Is The Biggest Sin?”

Stop Asking This

I remember as a child being so darn curious… WHY was my favorite word! I think it’s the impetus behind all the books I read and how I spend much of my time listening to people. I just dig knowing WHY… I found, however, that on my healing journey, asking WHY was impotent, left meContinue reading “Stop Asking This”

Our Newest Playlist!

Are you ready to get strong? remember your powerful Self? re-narrate your story of weakness? re-calibrate your whole body to wellness? re-integrate body-mind? Heck, yeah! Me too, so let’s goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! So excited to share with you our latest creation and newest playlist: WORKING OUT WITH ENERGIEGAL. Instead of creating cute names for each workout, we’reContinue reading “Our Newest Playlist!”


Hey hey hey! Welcome to day 5 of our trek through 2023… our daily show on EnergieGal Holistic Wellness…. And we are working out! To mark 5 days of shows, we’re doing 5 different exercises 5 times each 5 times through. Yep, it’s a regular celebraaaation of sweat and good times! Exercise is VITAL toContinue reading “5-5-5!”


Friends, True story: Hubs and I have had the absolute blessing of being raised by five amazing souls. They’re all adults now and adore us, which we’re kinda in shock about since we didn’t get it all “perfect” — which goes to show you that forgiveness, compassion, and a sense of humor go a realContinue reading “Holes”