Stop Anxiety Attacks

Peace comes from within. Buddha Hello Everybody and welcome to today’s Recovering With EnergieGal YouTube show. We’re unpacking five practical, hands-on practices for when you find yourself in the middle of a panic attack. Addiction to food or alcohol or drugs or shopping or gambling or sex or social media or approval… are all symptomsContinue reading “Stop Anxiety Attacks”

Guided Meditation 2

I am opening myself up to learning more about my deepest self. Welcome, dear Journeyers, to our Guided Meditation With EnergieGal YouTube video. We include affirmations for the Throat Chakra; we encourage a “dropping down into the body and this NOW moment”; we allow trauma to stir within the body and for the healing toContinue reading “Guided Meditation 2”

Don’t Make Assumptions

Making assumptions in relationships leads to a lot of fights, a lot of difficulties, a lot of misunderstandings with people we supposedly love. Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements Dear Fellow Journeyers, welcome to today’s Holistic Wellness With EnergieGal show on YouTube… we’re unpacking yet another chapter of The Four Agreements. Here’s what we’re learning:Continue reading “Don’t Make Assumptions”

Guided Meditation 1

Welcome to our Guided Meditation here at EnergieGal Holistic Wellness. Thankful to have your here with us. ❤ The benefits of meditation are many: Enjoy! We’re so thankful you’re here. ❤ Find us on SM: Insta:… FB: To book an appointment: or 1-716-269-9655 God bless, Everyone. Lisa xxx PS Be sure toContinue reading “Guided Meditation 1”

Syncing Up

We’re already through the first week of our enlightening trek through 2023… Holistic Wellness or bust! 🙂 Have you ever felt out of sync with your partner? Best friend? Child? Today, we’re on Holistic Wellness With EnergieGal, we’re unpacking how to communicate without even using words… Let’s get to it! Gathering. Together. Harmony! Ah, JOY!Continue reading “Syncing Up”

Peace, As Easy As….

Make your Intuitive Guidance Session with Lisa here. The narrative that you’ve created in your mind is the reality that you are living. EnergieGal It seems so simple, doesn’t it? Change your mind, change your world. But is it? Is it that simple to alter your reality just by changing your thoughts? Well, yes. AndContinue reading “Peace, As Easy As….”